Missions & Outreach

Together, We Thrive

At Sunflower Bible Church, we believe that living out our faith means reaching beyond our walls to serve others. Through both local and global missions, we strive to share God’s love, meet needs, and build lasting relationships.

Whether it’s supporting missionaries, partnering with community organizations, or organizing service projects, our goal is to reflect Christ’s compassion and make a meaningful impact. Join us in bringing hope and transformation to our neighbors near and far. Reach out to our team directly to learn more and discover how you can get involved.

Global Partnerships

  • Sunflower Bible Church works closely with Vince and Gretta Payne, who lead Panama Mission Foundation (panamamission.org).  They have been striving to take the Gospel to indigenous people living in remote areas of the Darien Rainforest since 2008.  Our church actively supports their efforts to plant churches and train indigenous pastors among the Wounaan people. In addition, we are helping to fund the translation of the Old Testament in their native language, Wounmeo. We regularly send teams to Panama to encourage the work as part of our efforts to share love and hope of Christ with people in every village in the Darien Rainforest.

  • Many nations in the Middle East are considered “difficult to access” countries. That means they are resistant to the message of the gospel. Sunflower Bible Church is sending Bibles and providing support to missionaries who are training new believers in those nations that have historically been hostile to Christianity.  For example, although their numbers are small, the church in Iran is growing rapidly. It is currently the fastest-growing church on the planet.

  • Sunflower Bible Church is supporting efforts to take the Gospel to hard-to-reach places in rural areas of southern Asia.  Our hope is to see a life-giving, reproducing church in every village of the nations where we are working by 2040.  In recent years, we have supported the construction of life centers, homes, micro loan centers, water wells, and tele-health care facilities. We have also helped train hundreds of pastors and lay church leaders who have planted churches throughout southern Asia.  We also partner with indigenously led children’s homes to care for orphans and unwanted children in the region.

  • Sunflower Bible is actively supporting the growth of the church in Romania through our partnership with CRU Romania. This partnership is designed to help Romanian missionaries reach young adults at universities in the City of Bucharest by providing leadership training and other essential skills to university students in a Christian setting.

    A key component of this ministry is one-on-one mentoring, where the staff builds meaningful, personal relationships with university students. These mentoring relationships offer spiritual discipleship, tailored guidance, and encouragement, helping students grasp the Gospel.

  • Sunflower Bible Church is partnering with Better Lives for Pastoralists, which is an indigenously led mission organization committed to planting sustainable, reproducing churches in the primitive areas of the Omo Valley and other regions of rural Africa.  Our church supports on-going efforts to train new pastors and lay ministry leaders in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Liberia, Kenya, and Uganda.  Many members of our congregation sponsor children at the Peaceful Generation home in Key After.  In addition, we have helped launch local businesses which now generate revenue to support church planting efforts throughout Ethiopia. Our hope is to see a church planted in every village of the Omo Valley by 2030 and in all rural villages of rural Africa by 2050.

Local Partnerships

Sunflower Bible Church has developed partnerships with 11 schools in the Olathe School District through our participation in the District’s Adopt-A-School program.  Our partnerships build bridges between our church and our community by allowing people outside our church to experience the love of Christ through our service to teachers, parents and students.  We have ambassadors who represent our church to each of schools.  They coordinate everything from workdays at the schools, volunteer needs, delivery of scones/gift bags for staff, and providing things like food, beds, and clothing for families in need.